Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM
Sermons Fr. Hovnan Demerjian St. Hagop Armenian Church

How to Know if You’re a Saint

Tuesday is all Saints day in the Western church, and like so many things in our faith life, what we understand upon hearing the word ‘saint’ has little to do with what our scriptures meant by it. Our understanding of saints is now way too big or way too small.  We make saints too big when we think only of those like St. Paul or St. Gregory the Illuminator, untouchable, mythical people who endured torture for their faith. How can I, who can’t endure five minutes of poor customer service identify with enduring torture for my faith?  Well if that image of a saint is too big, the other association we have is perhaps too small. We often call someone a saint who is long suffering in putting up with abuse. ‘She is a saint for putting up with that man.’ But who wants to be this type of saint, who endures a hard life with stoic patience? Didn’t Jesus promise us abundant life and joy? So it is understandable that not many people are looking to be saints if it requires the quick heroic death of martyrdom or the slow stoic death of resignation.

This sermon inspired by ‘All the Faithful Gathered, All Saints’ Day’ November 01, 2016 by Whitney Rice

Whitney Rice


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