Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM
Sermons Fr. Hovnan Demerjian St. Hagop Armenian Church

Mixtape for God

Today’s reading is just one example of dozens where Jesus remixes, recontextualizes the ancient and eternal wisdom of his Father into the present. His listeners had heard the old story that a saviour of their people would rise up from the impoverished, Jesus reframes that story for the uplift of all the downtrodden of this world. His listeners knew the old story of their release from slavery in Egypt, Jesus reclaims that story for the freeing of all people from sin. His listeners knew the story of the Manna which fell from the sky to feed their ancestors in the desert, Jesus reconstitutes that story as the bread of life for the sustenance of the future church.  In constant communion with the Creator of all, Jesus knew that creation in this world is by definition re-creation and invites us to follow him in remixing the ancient songs of the good, the true and the beautiful in the course of our lives.


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