This power of the cross, Paul tells us in today’s reading, is a giant plot twist that we do not expect, turning everything upside down. To those who put their hopes in human heroes, the power of the cross seems foolish and weak. But ‘God’s weakness is stronger than human strength,’ says Paul. By the cross, our hero Jesus arrives not with a great display of power, but divests himself of power to lift up all that is fallen. By the cross, our hero doesn’t kill off the bad guys, but calls on each of us to defeat the evil within. By the cross, Jesus does not reveal all mystery and force a happy ending, he bids us to trust God’s mystery and seek our own happy ending. In a word, Jesus will not conform to be the hero we’ve always wanted, but the Savior we desperately need. The man of steel, Superman, it turns out was not so strong. Somehow, he ends up getting his powers back, beating up the bad guys and saving the world. Hollywood’s job, after all, is to give us what we want; a two hour feeling of righteousness and power over our fallen world. Jesus, however, gives us what we need; the inverted power of the cross where he who serves most leads best, she who is weak in Christ is the strongest, and he who falls into faith flies the highest, amen.