Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM
Sermons Fr. Hovnan Demerjian St. Hagop Armenian Church

God’s Maternal Nature

“As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.” Is 66:13

We speak of God the father dozens of times in liturgy, i.e…our doxology begins “Park Hor—Glory to the Father…” This is proper, of course, as the Bible speaks constantly of God as a father.   But today on Mother’s Day it is appropriate to recall that there are dozens of scriptures which liken God to a mother and her attributes.  This should not be surprising for at least two essential reasons.  First, as we often repeat, if God is God and we are creatures, none of our words for him definitively describe him. God is like a father, not just a father, God is much more.  Thus we are right to say that God is like a mother but much more.  And the second reason that God is like a mother, is of course because it says that God created men and women- in His image.  So something important of God is reflected in women and mothers, some attributes and virtues that are crucial for us all to develop to live life abundantly.  To pick just one typical Christian virtue of mothers to speak of today, I want to speak about comfort & compassion.  Though a generalization, and there are exceptions, I think it is most often true that women and mothers tend to be centered in care and compassionate. 


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